Going forward.... and back

I'm trying really hard to get back on the horse with blogging. Not only I am trying to go forward, but I am trying to go backwards at the same time. My pictures are always dated, so I am going to try to post the appropriate days backward. It may not have all the fun quips the kids says, but it will be recorded. This blog is for my kids. I want them to have these memories. So, I am going to try to tell them about my childhood, and theirs too! I will have "Memory Monday" where I will write about my childhood. "Throwback Thursday" will be about things that were popular or in style when I was growing up. Dare I say, I actually had an idea for Wednesdays, but I already forgot it? I guess it's good that I am writing things down.

Friday, January 27, 2012

Throwback Thursday

Hair Accessories were awesome.  Yeah.  I rocked some fun hair accessories back then.  Of course only when my hair was long enough. I had the boy cut.  My mom chopped off ALL of my hair like a boy because I would cry when she brushed it.  I don't remember crying when she brushed it, but I CERTAINLY remember crying when she cut it off.  It was traumatizing and horrible.  I was made fun of terribly.  It was soooo short.  So, her solution was to give me a home perm.  Do you remember those.  Perms at HOME, by your mother?  Ugh.  The smell.  I remember leaning over my sink with my head down, while so took out those pink and blue (smallest rollers made) perm rollers, and dropped them into the sink below.  And the HORROR, when I finally was done and looked in the mirror to see what my 1/2 inch long hair looked like in a tight roll perm.  My sister always had this beautiful long blonde hair. It always was done with something "fancy". She had these barretts with ribbons, exactly like the ones pictures.  Alternating ribbon colors and if they were *really* fancy, we had beads at the end of the ribbons.  Ribbons streamed from the end of the barretts, and were about as long as your hair.  My mom made them. I thought they were the coolest things.

Later came the banana clips.  I loved those.  I always tried to wear them in my hair (when I had enough), but it never worked out the way it was supposed to.  My hair was too heavy.  So the banana clip would either pop open, or eventually sag to the bottom of my head, and scratch the back of my neck. I don't know what possessed me to want to wear one anyways.  You look like a horse with this bunch of hair streaming down your head.  Awful.

I was the era of big, hair sprayed, stiff bangs.  Teased hair.  Sun-in. Perms. Rat tails. Whew.  Thank goodness it's over!

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