Going forward.... and back

I'm trying really hard to get back on the horse with blogging. Not only I am trying to go forward, but I am trying to go backwards at the same time. My pictures are always dated, so I am going to try to post the appropriate days backward. It may not have all the fun quips the kids says, but it will be recorded. This blog is for my kids. I want them to have these memories. So, I am going to try to tell them about my childhood, and theirs too! I will have "Memory Monday" where I will write about my childhood. "Throwback Thursday" will be about things that were popular or in style when I was growing up. Dare I say, I actually had an idea for Wednesdays, but I already forgot it? I guess it's good that I am writing things down.

Monday, December 26, 2011

Christmas day

I can say with confidence that our family had a great Christmas together.  I had such a good time just being TOGETHER with our family of 6.  We enjoyed spending time with each other, and can say for the most part the kids got along quite well with  each other.  It was a nice change! Eden started Christmas morning out strong, but tired after playing with the paper of only one present, and tuckered out shorthly after trying to eat the paper.
We always try to get a picture of the kids scrambling down the stairs to see what Santa brought them.  Its really quite cruel on our part to make them "wait till I get the camera" but funny too.  I know when I am scrambling around, they are just DYING to run down the stairs.  I am waiting for the year that one of them trips down the stairs trying to beat the others.
See what I mean?  She was OUT!
Julia is 11 now, and all she is interested in is name brand clothes, and gift cards. Abercrombie, Miss Me (not on my wallet) Joe's Jeans, Vera Bradley, anything else over $100.00
Daddy got one of the two pecans that Grandpa Jimmy's pecan tree produced this year.  He LOVES pecans, and we gave him a pecan tree two Christmases ago, and it's growing slowly but surely.  He has even nursed it through the record drought we had here in Texas this year.
Connor playing his Pokemon gameboy.  He is interested in anything electronic, but his big gift requests were Skylanders and Pokemon anything.
Elaina doesn't care what she gets, really.  As long as its not Dora, because Dora is for babies. She is over the moon, because she told Santa she wanted a princess radio (and told him how to BUILD it) and a go-go dog, that walks.  She got both.  And can't stop singing Katy Perry's Fireworks song on her princess kareoke. 

I am so blessed by my family. 

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