Going forward.... and back

I'm trying really hard to get back on the horse with blogging. Not only I am trying to go forward, but I am trying to go backwards at the same time. My pictures are always dated, so I am going to try to post the appropriate days backward. It may not have all the fun quips the kids says, but it will be recorded. This blog is for my kids. I want them to have these memories. So, I am going to try to tell them about my childhood, and theirs too! I will have "Memory Monday" where I will write about my childhood. "Throwback Thursday" will be about things that were popular or in style when I was growing up. Dare I say, I actually had an idea for Wednesdays, but I already forgot it? I guess it's good that I am writing things down.

Friday, March 25, 2011

Goodbye Ricky

My kitty is gone.  I had him since we got married.  We adopted him when he was six weeks old.  He made 10 moves with us, across 14 years. He was the best cat ever.  always wanting to be around people, but not bothersome.  He used to sleep on my bed, ntil we moved to Texas.  Then he moved on to Julia's bed.  She was really attached to him too.  We will all miss Ricky.  I love you.

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